Oh wow, thats the photo I made... Thanks for your post! The topic is extremely important. I agree with you really much, but I think that the problem of smoking and other issues with kids that they see in media is more the problem of ubsolutely strange upbringing of kids. We should all start with ourselves first, to teach ourself what is right and what is not and only after that to make kids and to let them to understand how does the world work, so they could be self-responsible (what I think is the main goal of any parents - to make their kids independent). It will be not necessary to ban everything that you think is not right, children would be able to understand everything by themselves. That's why I think that we should provide them with the common picture of history until they are 5 y.o. But look what does the government in U.S. now, through the workers in kindergartens and schools they are translating the big deal about your sex and changing children focus from what the world is to "what do you want to be" while we all know, that even teenagers (mostly) aren't able to make such a strong decision, because that's how kid's psychology work, it's just our nature. We should start only with us and our families...
I am certainly no friend of Big Tech, and they indeed have a very dark side. Alas, that's what happens under neoliberalism (aka late-stage capitalism on steroids and crack), where big corporations can run amuck and be totally unaccountable to We the People. That is the real "wholesale sin" here, while individual users (of all ages) are at worst guilty only of "retail sin". And the latest hyper-focus on age is largely a red herring in that regard.
Oh wow, thats the photo I made... Thanks for your post! The topic is extremely important. I agree with you really much, but I think that the problem of smoking and other issues with kids that they see in media is more the problem of ubsolutely strange upbringing of kids. We should all start with ourselves first, to teach ourself what is right and what is not and only after that to make kids and to let them to understand how does the world work, so they could be self-responsible (what I think is the main goal of any parents - to make their kids independent). It will be not necessary to ban everything that you think is not right, children would be able to understand everything by themselves. That's why I think that we should provide them with the common picture of history until they are 5 y.o. But look what does the government in U.S. now, through the workers in kindergartens and schools they are translating the big deal about your sex and changing children focus from what the world is to "what do you want to be" while we all know, that even teenagers (mostly) aren't able to make such a strong decision, because that's how kid's psychology work, it's just our nature. We should start only with us and our families...
I am certainly no friend of Big Tech, and they indeed have a very dark side. Alas, that's what happens under neoliberalism (aka late-stage capitalism on steroids and crack), where big corporations can run amuck and be totally unaccountable to We the People. That is the real "wholesale sin" here, while individual users (of all ages) are at worst guilty only of "retail sin". And the latest hyper-focus on age is largely a red herring in that regard.